This week, we were lucky enough to have a couple special volunteers visit our school. They brought along a giant map of the world as well as some smaller maps for us to work with! We had an opportunity to review the seven continents: North America, South America, Asia, Africa, Australia, Antartica, and Europe. We also went over the five oceans: Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, Arctic, and Southern. Students also had an opportunity to learn about the many different regions of the biomes (regions) such as tundra, rainforest, desert, and many others.
We learned many great hints that will help us remember information. For example, you can always remember where polar bears live because the word Arctic comes from the Greek word arktos, meaning bear. When you think of Antarctica, you can think of it as anti-arktos, or no bears!
Watch our video below to see how we cooperated to solve many different tasks involving the giant map!
*What new information did you learn by working with the map?*
*What was your favorite activity?*
*If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?*
Thank for offering this, I just wanted you to understand that I found it genuinely useful. All of the best|greatest to you for the future. Thanks
Dear Explorers,
We loved watching your video and seeing you explore the world.
The world really is a cool place to explore and learning about isn’t it!
Keep up the good work!
Love Odd and Izzi
Dear Odd and Izzi,
Great to hear from you! The world is definitely an amazing place and we’re so glad that we’re able to learn about it in a fun way. Having a giant map to work with was definitely great!
Mr. Avery
Dear Quad Blogging Buddies,
What a fantastic video and learning opportunity you had! It must have been so fun to be able to literally walk around the world.
I am really interested to find out what activities you did with the map. It sure looks like the you were having a lot of fun.
If you could choose one place in the world to “really” visit, where would it be?
Your friend,
Mrs. W
Dear Mrs. Watson,
Thanks for writing in! It’s nice to hear from you now that quad blogging is all done!
We did a lot of fun stuff with the map. We got to place things in different regions. We got to use ropes to mark the equator and prime meridian. Best of all, we got to take our shoes off to do it all!
Mr. Avery
Dear Mr. Avery’s class,
What fun you have had Year 4! We are also learning about the world in Year 5 in Sydney and it must have been fabulous to have such a big hands on (or feet on) map to interact with. I am sure that you have all learned lots about the world we all live in and share.
Mrs Thomas
Dear Mrs. Thomas,
It was a lot of fun! We think that keeping a blog is definitely a great way to learn about the world! We get to talk to so many different people.
Thank you for writing in!
Mr. Avery’s class
Dear Mr. Avery,
My cousins are over! I showed the blog to my cousins they loved it. They also loved the song.
I miss school! On Wednesday my cousins and I are going to the Weymouth Carnival! I’m so happy. I might be going to rock climb and the aquarium!
I hope you have a wonderful vacation.
Ariel D.
Dear Ariel,
I hope you’re having a great vacation so far. I’m really glad that your cousin’s enjoyed our video. It was a lot of fun. It’s not often you get to walk on a map!
It sounds like you’re having a lot of fun! I’ll see you on Monday!
Your teacher,
Mr. Avery
We are learning about 7 places of our choice. We had to say where it is and the averge temperature. I really like the video.
@ Jazzy Jo
We’re glad you liked it. What are the seven places that you are learning about?
Dear Mr Avery and class,
What a fun experience you had with your giant map! It reminded me of Mrs Yollis’ post about the Giant Travelling Map
I would love to have a giant map visit our class as we ♥ exploring the world.
I loved your Animoto video. It really showed that it doesn’t matter where you live in the world, you can still connect. I live in Australia on the opposite side of the world to you but you really don’t seem so far away (even if it already is tomorrow here!)
Have a very restful break everyone! I look forward to following your blog again next term!
Best wishes,
Mrs M☀rris
2KM and 2KJ blog
Dear Mrs. Morris,
Thank you for writing in! I agree, our map was very similar to the map that Mrs. Yollis had on her blog. We thought it was great that she had that and were very lucky to have a program that allowed us to have a map we could walk on!
We hope you’re having a wonderful vacation!
Mr. Avery