Today we held our annual fourth grade Biography Museum. Students have been working hard researching a famous person from history, writing reports, creating posters, and finding a costume to best portray that character. All that effort came to fruition today with friends, family, and other classes coming in to learn all about what these people did that made them so famous. Take a look at some of the famous people who visited us.
To better prepare ourselves for our museum, students were interviewed in character. They shared some of the most important information about their life such as when and where they were born, what their most important achievement was, and what people can learn from their accomplishments. We have created a page in our video section titled Biography Museum 2010-11. Make sure to check back often as we will be adding more biography videos to it in the next few days. You will be able to find an interview by every student in class.
You can watch a couple examples of our videos below!
Ariel and Alexus did an amazing job portraying Florence Nightingale and Amelia Earhart! Everyone else did wonderful during our videos and our museum as well! Not all of our videos went so perfectly the first time around though. Enjoy watching our blooper reel.
You know what they say, practice makes perfect! We may not have gotten them in one shot but they definitely turned out perfectly in the end. Great work everyone!
*What was your favorite part about the Biography Museum?*
*If you could have chosen any famous person to portray, who would it be and why?*
*Why do you think studying people from history is important?*
Dear Mr. Avery,
I remember doing that project. Jenna and I had the same costume. The bloopers were really funny. My favorite one was when Ben says “My name is Albert Einstein.” And then Ashley says, “Oh, I know you! you’re the guy who found the answer to E=mc2!” I didn’t do a video because I wasn’t in your class.
Anna K.
Dear Mr. Avery,
I cant believe that was in 4th grade it felt like just yesterday! I loved being Annie Oakley it was awesome. Well I know that we will have awesome projects again this year in 6TH GRADE!
Dear Mr. Avery,
I thought the Biography Museum was very fun. It also took lot of hard work. I hope I can do something fun like this again and learn about someone else. I want to learn about George Washington.
Ben W.
Dear Mr. Avery’s class,
It seems like a great trip. It makes me wish I was there!
To Mr. Avery,
I had a lot of fun making the videos. When I interviewed Marshall I couldn’t stop laughing. I also laughed a lot when Marshall was interviewing me.
Dear Mr. Avery,
The bloopers are so funny. My favorite one is when Ben’s mustache fell off. That was so funny!
Heston H.
Dear Mr. Avery,
I really think the bloopers are really funny. They crack me up. I mean everyone laughs at random moments.
Dear Mr. Avery,
I loved the biography museum. It was so much fun. I liked to answer questions. Sometimes it was kind of boring. I didn’t like just sitting there doing nothing. It was hard to stay in character. I had to say I sewed the American flag when I really didn’t. But I had so much fun. I was next to Jackie who was the first lady. I loved when everyone was looking at my artifacts. Some people’s costumes looked really unique. When I saw Allison dressed up as Shirley Temple I thought she was wearing a wig but it was her real hair. Everyone did an amazing job and everyone should be proud of themselves. I will want to do that again.
Dear Mr. Avery,
The Biography Museum to me was very intriguing, creative, and the props everyone brought in were fantastic and really represented their character. Also, they had lots of facts about their person.
Dear Mr. Avery,
I think that Ben Shaw’s one with the awkward silence and the mustache falling off was the funniest one. I also liked all of Trey’s Bloopers. You did an AMAZING job with all of the videos.
Your Student,
Mike K. 😉
Dear Mr Avery
Your post is really awesome. We love it. We would love to research something about a famous person.
We think it would be very exciting.
We really like learning about history.
Best wishes,
Kamarah & Charlotte
Dear Charlotte & Kamarah,
Thanks for commenting. I love history! It’s one of my favorite things to read about. There are so many interesting things that have happened. It’s fun to read different stories about them.
You could always choose someone that you want to learn about and find a book about them. You certainly don’t need a project to learn about famous people!
Mr. Avery
Dear Mr. Avery,
I had such a fun time doing the biography museum. Did you have a nice time helping us with it? What was your favorite part? Mine was the museum itself. Please write back and have a nice day! 🙂
Dear Mr. Avery,
I think the Bloopers were very fun to do. My favorite was when Albert Einstein’s mustache fell and when Theodore Roosevelt had a very itchy mustache. I can’t wait to see next years’s bloopers if you make a video.
Ben W.
Dear all,
Biography Museum seems like a great idea to find out new famous people from history.
I found out who they were by serching them.
I forgot what the website was. Please leave a comment on our blog. The blog address is
Best wishes,
@ Mr Avery,
I’m in 2KJ.
That video was great!
It is a great post.
Kayla 🙂
Dear Kayla,
Thank you for writing in! We love hearing from our friends from Australia. Your blog is one of our favorites. You have a great teacher and I’ve learned so much from her this year. I look forward to hearing from you again!
Mr. Avery
Dear Mr. Avery,
The biography museum was so much fun! I wish we could do it again. The bloopers was so funny! I kept saying in April 3,1934 instead of saying on. 🙂 I felt so nervous. It isn’t anymore though.
Natalie S.
Dear Mr. Avery’s Class,
We liked the Skype call today. It was great. We liked the blooper video on your post. We thought the best interview was Neil Armstrong although everyone did a really good job.
Surya & Brandon
Dear Mr. Avery’s Class,
We love the videos, especially the bloopers. We did the same thing but we called it the Wax Museum. How many props could you bring? We could bring only one.
Spencer & Nestor 49’ers
Dear Nestor & Spencer,
For our biography museum we could only bring in five props. I brought in netting, a monkey, a banana, a globe, a hat, and binoculars. Can you guess who I was?
Natalie S.
Dear Spencer & Nestor,
We could bring 5 props. I brought a bird, a dime, polio medicine, a puppy, and something else. Can you guess who I was? (Hint: I was a famous President.)
Mike K. 😉
Dear Mr. Avery and class,
I wonder if they tried to interview famous people if the actually messed up. My class did something called a wax museum where you have to dress up as a president and make a poster. You hang the poster up on a wall behind you and people come look at you and your poster.
Your friend Donald from Techie Kids
Dear Mr. Avery’s class,
I liked your biography museum. You must have worked pretty hard on those. They were really good. I liked how you knew so much about your characters.
Your Friend,
Dear Mr. Avery’s Class,
You guys did a really good job!
Dear Mr. Avery’s class,
What a wonderful blog. The videos have shown that the children were fully engaged with this project. When children enjoy they learn without knowing.
They will remember this for every. The Bloopers were also great fun. Thanks for fining time to create and share with the world.
Anthony Mitchell
Hi, my class loved your video. Would you be interested in being quad buddies next fall? Check out our class website and let me know.
Mr. Alvaro
Ps. What theme is this? It’s pretty cool.
Dear Mr. Avery and important people from the past,
What a show! I love learning about historical people and how they contributed to society. Not only was it a treat to listen to the famous people, but the interviewers were outstanding as well!
I might have to give this a try next year for our biography unit!
As always, fantastic!
Your pal,
Mrs. Y♥llis
Dear Mr Avery and class
What a great job you all did of researching your famous person and then being ‘in role’ as that person.
I loved looking at your slideshow, with everyone set up in the hall. The tables looked interesting, with the artifacts that were relevant to your person.
I wish I had been there to read your posters!
from Mrs McKenzie
PS The bloopers were fun!
Hello Mr Avery and fourth grade
Your videos about famous people from history were fantastic. I really like that you included the gag reel for your visitors to enjoy.
It is clear that everyone put a lot of effort in and created high quality research projects as a result of their hard work.
Well done!!!
Miss Docherty
PS – I forgot to say, we also went on the Vimeo website to watch more of your interviews. You have been busy with that green screen, Mr Avery! 😆
Dear Mr Avery and class,
2KM and 2KJ really enjoyed this post! They were fascinated to see the pictures of your museum and were amazed at the quality of your interviews. They laughed and laughed at the blooper reel too!
It was great for 2KM and 2KJ to see what students just two years older than themselves can achieve with a lot of hard work and practice. We couldn’t believe the students being interviewed could remember all those facts! We also loved your accents and noticed a few kids have a particularly interesting accent. How cool!
Miss Jordan and I also learnt some information about a few historical Americans who we hadn’t heard of or didn’t know much about!
Well done everyone!
Best wishes,
Mrs M☀rris
Dear Mr. Avery and Class,
Congratulations on an outstanding research project! I love how you found out facts about your person in history and then also brought into the project your technology skills! This is a real 21st century project!
I think it’s important to learn about people in history so we can realize what an impact these people still have on our lives. For example, I bet you went to the library and found a biography book about your famous person. You found that book in the 921’s, which is the biography section. Did you realize that just by going to this section, you were using the legacy of Mr. John Dewey? Mr. Dewey is the mathematician and librarian who invented the Dewey Decimal System!
Again, congratulations on a job well done! I can’t wait to share your work with my students. Perhaps we can try a project like this next year. I have never tried to do anything with a green screen before, but now I definitely want to try.
Mrs. Hembree
Mrs. Hembree,
We love when we get comments with so much great information in it! It’s great to be friends with a librarian!
Let us know if you need any help with anything with a green screen. We’d be more than happy to answer any questions you have!
Mr. Avery’s class
Hi Mr. Avery and Class,
What a fabulous job you did with this! Your students are lucky they have such a creative teacher. Doesn’t this make learning fun? I loved doing videos when I was in the classroom, but I never learned how to do the green screen on my own. Is that difficult to learn?
Kind regards,
Mrs. Watanabe
Mrs. Watanabe,
Thanks for your kind words as always! The green screen really isn’t too difficult to work with. You can even do it with a lot of pretty basic video editing programs. I use Pinnacle Studio or Sony Vegas. You just use a chroma keyer which essentially takes out all the green in the picture (so students can’t wear green on film days). It sounds much more difficult than it really is! Any other questions, feel free to ask!
Mr. Avery
Dear Mrs. Watanabe,
Our teacher Mr. Avery always makes learning fun! For an example, we have to measure angles so Mr. Avery said that we have to make Angry bird posters. We have to make up a backround and a structure. It was really fun!
Natalie S.
Dear Mr. Avery,
I l♥ve the Bloopers! They are so funny! It’s my favorite part! I loved the one when Trey is itching his mustache and Marshall says “Is your mustache itchy?”
I hope you have a nice time tomorrow.
Dear Ariel,
I agree. The bloopers were very funny. All of you had me laughing really hard. You all did an amazing job though. It was great to see that you stuck with it until you had it perfect!
I thought everyone did an amazing job with the biography museum. The costumes were great. Your reports were great. You all stayed in character really well. I would say this was a big success!
Work hard tomorrow! I’ll see you on Friday!
Mr. Avery
Dear Mr. Avery,
That was one of the best days of my life! It was so funny. :p I had an amazing time. This post is very popular.
Ariel D